Les Petites Cantines Vieux-Lyon
11 rue Saint-Georges - 69005 Lyon 5ème
Les Petites Cantines is a not-for-profit network where diners welcome each other and meet over sustainable, free-price meals, to forge quality relationships and help build a society based on trust.
What is a Petite Cantine?
The meal is an opportunity to meet guests from other generations and backgrounds. Everything is done to facilitate exchanges, to feel connected to others, and to reconnect with a sense of social usefulness. Everyone pitches in, from preparing the meal to cleaning up and washing up.
Sustainable food
Because we want to take care of both our guests and the planet, we favour sustainable food, based on identified criteria: local production, short circuits, organic farming, less animal protein, collection of unsold organic produce, bulk purchases.
Free contribution
Everyone contributes the amount of their choice to cover the costs. This allows us to welcome a very wide audience. We communicate transparently about the cost of a meal and our business model.
11 rue Saint-Georges - 69005 Lyon 5ème
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